Add a Cytech job listing

The Cytech jobs board is administered by the Association of Cycle Traders (ACT).

Only proceed with the form below if you are NOT already an Association of Cycle Traders (ACT) member.

Already an ACT member?

Click here to add or edit your job listing.

Not an ACT member? 

If you are a UK based business, an annual silver membership is also just £60 (Annual Direct Debit price) and includes ACT membership, Cytech accreditation, unlimited free jobs advertising and much more.


Alternatively, by adding a job listing using the form below you automatically get access to the MY ACT login area so you can edit your job listing. 

Job listings created through the form below are added to the Cytech jobs board by default, as well as the ActSmart, ACT, The Cycling Experts and Indie Retail jobs boards.

Business details

Your details

These will be the details you use to sign in to your MyActSmart account that will be created along with this job listing.

Job details

Application Details

These are the contact details that will be published on your job advert.

Please enter the date as dd/mm/yyyy, e.g. 21/09/2011. Leave blank if there is no closing date.

Contact preferences

Cytech would like to keep you updated with news, advice and industry jobs. Please let us know your contact preferences.

Training provider partners

We would like to share your data with our selected Cytech training provider partners who may contact you.

Privacy policy

Payment Details

 £60 for a single 30 day job listing.


All fields marked * are compulsory