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What is accreditation?

Businesses listed below employ at least one technician qualified to a Cytech technical two standard or higher and are full members of the Association of Cycle Traders (UK).

Ian Brown Cycle Shop, Guernsey, Channel Islands

Les Banques
St. Peter Port
Channel Islands

Telephone: 01481 721 581
Fax: 01481 712 219

Qualified Staff

Name Cytech qualifications
Hannah Brehaut Technical one - theory
Paul Brehaut Technical one - theory
Ian Brown Technical one - theory
Steve Brucher Technical one - theory
Technical two
Steve Horne Technical one - theory
Jonathan Le Maitre Technical one - theory
Phil Nicolle Technical one - theory
Jade Packham Technical one - theory
George Remfrey Technical one - theory
James Roe Technical one - theory
Noah Simon Technical one - theory

How to find us

Directions to this shop